

Millennials – a misunderstood generation?

The western world loves to stick a label on groups of people who we believe to be like-minded, in particular generational groups such as millennials and the baby boomers. We effectively over-generalise people who share something in common and assume that their common interest must make them like-minded. We assume that they all [...]

By | April 5th, 2018|Thoughts|0 Comments

Why is the gender pay gap still so prevalent today?

The gender pay gap has hit news headlines again recently, since it was revealed that the Bank of England still have a 24.2% gender pay gap. This is huge compared with a national average of 9.1%, but is actually a lot better than the Financial Sector average of 35.6%. When we talk about [...]

By | December 8th, 2017|Culture|0 Comments

How many sick days should employers expect per year?

It is good news for employers that the number of sick days taken on average by workers over the last 2 decades has actually decreased significantly. The 2016 estimate for working days lost due to sickness or injury in the UK is 137.3 million, which works out to be an average of 4.3 [...]

By | September 25th, 2017|Culture|0 Comments