What is coaching skills training?
Brightstone design and deliver bespoke coaching skills training. This equips your leaders and managers to support, nurture and develop their staff in whatever they do. Once we understand what success looks like for you and we have familiarised ourselves with your culture and infrastructure, then we are able to design and deliver an effective programme that hits the spot for you.
One thing we strongly recommend is that we follow your managers into the live environment to observe them delivering a coaching session. Then, we’ll coach them on the session they they’ve delivered. Follow up support allows individuals to practice skills and behaviours that they have learned on the programme under the supervision of an experienced coach. We see this as an essential part of the learning journey for all delegates attending our courses.
What is business coaching?
People come to us with all kinds of areas they would like to improve. Often, they wish they could be better; perhaps they’ve decided to develop their vision, maybe they want to adapt their style or they’ve decided they must hone their presentation skills. Sometimes, our clients want help dealing with challenges such as how to manage conflict or overcome discrimination in their team.
We can run a series of short one-to-one sessions with you to identify the challenges and agree solutions and the ways to improve. Sometimes, the problems you thought you had are something else. We ask the questions that will raise your levels of awareness and create solutions that will commit you to action.
Brightstone can help with all business coaching including:
1. Executive coaching
2. Management development coaching
3. Coaching for frontline staff
Who is coaching skills training for?
Coaching skills training is typically requested for anyone managing people. We do what we do because we love to watch people become inspired. And inspired people create inspiration in others.
Why organisations keep coming back for coaching and coaching skills training courses:
They’ve identified a skills gap with their management population.
There is a strong need to instill a coaching culture.
There is a lack of internal resources to deliver coaching skills themselves.
It adds to the toolkit for managers who are accountable for people performance.
Recent figures suggest that individual learning in an organisation is split three ways:
“The future belongs to those who can hear it coming!”
David Bowie
What are the benefits of undertaking coaching and coaching skills training?
Supports cultural change
Improves management skills and capability
Behaviour change in the coaches creates an essential management tool to support and develop staff
Greater employee engagement and commitment
Improvements to business indicators or results
Savings in HR time and costs
Achievement of external awards and recognition
Accelerated talent development
The I’s have it
Whether it’s performance improvement or culture change that you seek then individual coaching on a one-to-one basis or team coaching is the way forward. Anyone who wants to be successful needs personal insight, inspiration, the intention to change as well as an eye to the future. The skilled team at Brightstone understands the challenges ahead and has all the knowhow and professionalism to make it happen for you.
“Obviously we want the business to be successful, but it’s also part of my identity and I really, really mind that people have a good experience. That matters to me, I wouldn’t feel happy having a successful business if people weren’t happy with it.”
What is a typical programme?
First, we meet the client and establish what they need – coaching for management, teams etc. This initial step is free and helps us to find out what you need.
Conduct a review and meet with leaders across the business on a one-to-one or focus group basis. We’ll then share a presentation/ report which highlights strengths and development areas and recommendations for the coaching programme.
Design a bespoke programme of coaching in partnership with the client. Topics typically include:
- Understanding our people
- Personal impact
- Learning styles
- Steps to learning
- Flexing our style
- Comfort / stretch / panic
- Communication skills
- Deep listening
- Letting go of assumptions and perceptions
- Being in the moment
- Advanced questioning technique
- Coaching versus mentoring versus training
- 7 steps to coaching – a structured approach to support skills and knowledgedevelopment
- Advanced freeform coaching skills
Review and access success.
Success Story
Serving Up Success with a Financial Services Institution
Serving Up Success with Legal & General Brightstone is focused on getting fantastic results. We are keen to achieve results with and through the people we work with. We like to keep [...]
But don’t take our word for it…
“Refreshed some previous knowledge and learnt new tools (ESP) which are easy to integrate into my existing way of coaching.”“Couldn’t have been more passionate or knowledgeable. I can’t compliment enough. Best course I’ve ever been on and I am very excited about applying these tools – thank you Richard!”
“It highlighted the importance of coaching but more importantly the impacts of my actions, for example using an appropriate environment for feedback or not being overly direct.”