Virtual Learning Delivery

The pandemic was an interesting time for anyone in the services sector. We had to change the way we deliver our coaching, training and performance improvement programs to facilitate the changing covid-19 restrictions and social distancing measures.

We went from delivering detailed classroom-based workshops packed with engaging team challenges, one-to-one sessions, games and activities, to delivering everything virtually.

This was a learning curve for everyone and required us to take a bit of time and really think about how we can deliver our programs effectively, in a way that doesn’t impact the learning outcome.

What does a virtual training programme need to consider?

We always have a long list of questions that need answering for every new project, enabling us to design and deliver truly bespoke programmes. Delivering a remote learning programme requires virtual delivery and this brings with it a new approach and questions:

  • How do we manage to anticipate and manage the learning objectives for each person in a virtual world?

  • How do we engage and excite individuals and teams learning experiences they’re about to have in a virtual world?
  • How do we create a clear understand from all delegates about how to work in a virtual classroom?
  • How long can somebody concentrate on a virtual activity for?

  • How can we make it as engaging?
  • What does the trainer need to do to respond to learners behaviour and adapt the program to fit needs?
  • How can the learners engage with each other, not just the trainer?
  • How do we add variety?
  • What’s the best approach for measuring outcomes?
  • What are the best platforms available for virtual classroom delivery and are your systems compatible?
  • How can we deliver training that is transferrable to real-life scenarios?
  • Do all staff have sufficient broadband speed at home?
  • How can we limit time lag, or how much we talk over each other?
  • Does everyone have the necessary technical skills to take part?
  • Does everyone have the equipment at home?
“Our experience of working with Brightstone has been overwhelmingly positive. The programme covered some difficult issues and was delivered in a very sensitive and considerate way.

Overall, it has been a very different training experience – we have come back to learn again and again, and feel confident that the development has taken a firm hold within our service.”

Sally McMahon, Head of Service

Delivering remote performance improvement programmes

Brightstone are fortunate to have been involved in many projects since the pandemic starter which allowed us the opportunity to begin answering these questions. We have been creating and delivering virtual learning and rapidly building our understanding of what works and what doesn’t.

We can share our knowledge and experience with other clients too, though there would still be nothing ‘off the shelf’ about what we design and deliver. Our training programmes are bespoke and they will continue to be as we deliver them virtually or safely in a post-covid world.

People are at the heart of what we do at Brightstone, and it is human behaviour that drives results. To improve results, you need to change the behaviour of people and what better time to introduce change than now?

What is really important is that we don’t lose the fun and human side of our programmes, because we truly believe this is what makes them work so well.

Get in touch to talk to us about our coaching, training and performance improvement programmes.

“…the fact that tools like Skype [and] digital collaboration are letting people work better at a distance — that is a wonderful thing.”

Bill Gates, Cofounder of Microsoft

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