employee engagement

>Tag:employee engagement

Getting employee engagement right

Recently we wrote a blog reflecting on the Simon Sinek TED Talk “starting with why”, discussing why starting with why is so important to the success of a leader or an organisation. Starting with ‘why?’ means looking at the sole reason for why you do business; your goals, your values, your vision and [...]

By | September 27th, 2019|News|0 Comments

Kids are back at school – time to focus again!

We have finally reached the time most of us parents have been longing for during those long summer weeks – back to school! Don’t misunderstand us – we love our kids and we absolutely love spending time with them! However, the long school holiday does mean our work productivity can take a bit [...]

By | September 9th, 2019|News|0 Comments

How can you keep your team motivated in the summer?

Some organisations report a drop in productivity during the summer months. For some, this is purely anecdotal but it does seem that there is some evidence for this phenomenon. A study by the Captivate Network in the USA in 2012 found that workplace productivity between the months of June and August drops by [...]

By | July 11th, 2019|News|0 Comments

Why use gamification to improve employee engagement?

Employees who are happy in their work, perform better. Employees who are happy will work harder towards organisational goals, will be more loyal and will be more productive. Gamification is one way to make work and targets more fun for employees, making them happier in their work, more productive and more engaged. [...]

By | June 19th, 2019|News|0 Comments

Different approaches to team building in 2019

Team building is a common activity in companies of all sizes in the 21st century. We’ve spoken about the benefits of team building before, but in 2019, how can we take a fresh look and ensure that any event you put on is both enjoyable and valuable for your team? Team building is [...]

By | April 18th, 2019|News|0 Comments

6 ways to reduce stress in the workplace

We wanted to just share an article we found on Forbes about reducing stress in the workplace, something which we believe is extremely prevalent in the current economy and fortunately, is something leaders and managers are now taking much more seriously. Workplace stress has an impact on so many other things; productivity, absenteeism, [...]

By | March 27th, 2019|News|0 Comments

What can you do to kick start your motivation in the morning?

We regularly make jokes about "not being a morning person" or being grouchy in the morning, but this is actually a genuine thing and in fact, biology does determine if we are either a morning lark or a night owl. Unfortunately, most office environments don't lend themselves well to night owls, the people [...]

By | February 20th, 2019|Thoughts|0 Comments

Performance Management; it doesn’t have to be negative!

That time of year has come again when appraisals, annual reviews and performance management meetings are back on the agenda. That email lands in your inbox with the title "Performance Management Meeting" and you are probably filled with a sense of dread. Why? Why does the phrase "performance management" have such a negative [...]

By | January 3rd, 2019|Culture|0 Comments

The story of how one disengaged employee sent customers away complaining

We read a complaint this week on a largely populated local Facebook group about a negative experience someone had encountered in a well-known, reputable food store in Brighton. She complained that for three days in a row, the same man had served her and "could not be bothered to smile, let alone be [...]

By | March 8th, 2018|Thoughts|0 Comments

Why and how to maintain an employee wellness programme

Corporate wellness programmes, or employee wellness programs are becoming more popular and for very good reason! The benefits of introducing a program which encourages your teams to be healthy, nourished, happy and rested are endless. Whilst there is of course some financial investment on the employers part, looking after your staff will nearly [...]

By | March 1st, 2018|Leadership|0 Comments